2 tricks to beat cravings and help you lose weight

Lisa Korn
August 3, 2023
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I'm going to share with you two easy strategies that you can use to conquer food cravings. And here's what I mean when I talk about cravings: it's when you're not really hungry but you still want to eat something. In most cases, it's usually a particular type of food. For instance, the majority of us don't have a craving for broccoli, but we do have a craving for things like chocolate, chips, or biscuits.

The good news is that I have two super simple tips that can help you overcome those urges to snack when they strike. Why does this even matter? Because the food you eat is one of the most important factors to consider if you want to feel better, have more energy, and improve your overall health. Many of our clients have shared with us that they feel defeated and frustrated when they have to continuously fight cravings because they see it as a sign of weakness or failure on their part.

But it's not a weakness at all! It's perfectly normal to have cravings! Our bodies can crave some foods because they are "hyper-palatable"—basically, they hit all the right buttons when it comes to making our taste buds happy. Or, we might crave particular foods because of the memories or experiences we have associated with them. For instance, if you were raised in a home where Friday night was pizza night, you might associate pizza with fun, comfort, and time spent with family. But the downside is that the foods that we crave are typically very high in calories and offer very little in the way of beneficial nutritional content.

The way in which you manage your cravings makes all the difference in the world. When you learn how to deal with the cravings, they may actually start to feel much less intense after a while. And that's got to be good news, right?

So here are my two pieces of advice for you:

Tip 1: Be prepared ahead of time.

Have a plan ready in advance for what you will do if you start to feel a craving coming on. Feeling the urge for some biscuits or salty snacks in the middle of the afternoon? Get out and about, and go for a walk! Craving chips while you're watching TV at night? Get out the foam roller or tennis ball, and try some self-myofascial release exercises instead. The goal here is to find something that will keep your hands and your brain busy in order to cut off the craving as quickly as possible.

Tip 2: Always have healthier options available.

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it's important to keep in mind, and the reason it's so basic is because, let's face it, it works! Make sure that your house is stocked with healthy snacks at all times. Here are a couple of ideas: Keep some grapes or cherries in the refrigerator (ideally at eye level so you can see them), have some pre-cut vegetables and hummus on hand, and stock the pantry with some crunchy edamame or beef jerky. And if you're going to the movies, bring a healthier snack with you, such as a whole foods bar or your own healthier popcorn, so that you won't be tempted by what's on offer at the box office counter. Plus, think of all the money you'll save!

Having a strategy for your snack attacks will help you stay on track and reduce the likelihood that you will have those intense food cravings.

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Lisa Korn
Lisa Korn