Tania Rakchaev
I've always been active and into recreational sports and played everything from track and field to volleyball and basketball, but once I became a mother, all of that went by the wayside. Moving to Australia from Canada, where I was born and raised and also where I met my Aussie partner, provided me with little support in raising our child with my family so far away. I was fatigued and exhausted in every sense of the word. I didn't want to be tired or unhappy anymore, and I discovered and fell in love with weightlifting and getting stronger.
I bought and read every book on health and nutrition I could find. I already had a pretty solid background, as coming from an athletic environment, health and fitness were already a part of my lifestyle. I obtained my Cert III and IV in Fitness so that I could provide support to others who also wanted to gain more control over their health. I also have my Cert IV in Nutrition and am both a Sports Nutritionist and Health and Wellness Coach. In addition, I have completed a certificate as a Women's Coaching Specialist, a certificate in Menopause and a Pre & Postnatal Certificate from The Girls Gone Strong Academy; the Precision Nutrition Certificate L1, Sleep, Stress & Recovery Certificate, and an advanced certificate in Change Behaviour and am a Menno Henselmans certified PT. I also love to stay on top of new research, so I subscribe to a number of research briefs in nutrition and exercise science.
I love to help others achieve success with their nutrition and fitness goals and am always looking at ways to apply my knowledge and skills to cater to each person's unique needs and goals.
- Cert III & IV in Fitness
- Sports Nutritionist
- Health & Wellness Coach
- Women’s Coaching Specialist
- Precision Nutrition L1
- Boxing for Fitness
- Kettlebell Fundamentals
- Applied Women’s Physiology
- Certified Henselmans Personal Trainer (scientific evidence based)
- Pre- & Postnatal Certificate
- Working towards Precision Nutrition Sleep, Stress & Recovery Certificate

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